Virtualidade e relações amorosas em Hang the DJ

Keywords: Love relationships, Virtuality, Affectivity, Applications, Black Mirror


This article aims to analyze the modes of affective interaction developed from the use of relationship apps portrayed by science fiction. We chose the episode Hang the DJ from the British anthological series Black Mirror, in which a relationship app is portrayed, from which the characters interact. The episode analysis was inspired by the proposals for qualitative analysis of audiovisual material and Film-Comprehensive Analysis of the Serial Narrative (AFCNS). We believe that although the generation of digital natives is marked by the lack of interpersonal relationships, there is still a strong search for durable partnerships. The modes of communication and interaction have greatly changed affective expressions, however, this does not make them less real or intense. We conclude that the serial narrative contributes a lot to expand the theoretical perspectives about the connections between virtuality and affective and loving relationships.

Author Biography

Bruna Coutinho Silva, PUC Minas

Psicóloga, pós-graduada em Filosofia Contemporânea e doutoranda em Psicologia, pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC Minas). 
