The traversing of the nameless: between language, science and psychic suffering in the pandemic

Keywords: helplessness, language, clinical, pandemic


This article aims to discuss the trace of uncertainty and instability powered by the uneasiness of the pandemic. It also aims to open up the reflection that the making of symptoms resonates the conditions of the impossible and of the restrictive involved in the anxiety scenes and in the determination of helplessness in face of the nameless unknown. The long traversings between the plague, the silence and the instant to act question what the idea of art, language of knowledge and of clinical management allow in the essence of these cuttings and ruptures. The fresh start requires the naming of the feeling of indetermination.

Author Biography

Marcelo Gonçalves Rodrigues, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Fundação Educacional de Penápolis

Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Fundação Educacional de Penápolis (SP) FAFIPE/FUNEPE.
