The imaginarization of the political field and it’s consequences

Keywords: psychoanalysis; politics; aggressiveness; Brazil


The political field in Brazil has been going through moments of turbulence, especially after the year of 2013. In face of this, the  phenomena of aggressiviness and political intolerance have been gaining notoriety and in order to analyze such issues, we will use Freudian psychoanalysis and his concepts such as narcissism, as well as the Lacan of the imaginary in texts such as The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I (Lacan, 1949/1998) to try to shed light on some of these issues, such as the contribution of this imaginarization of politics to the phenomena of political intolerance in the country, specially until the year of 2018

Author Biography

Luís Otavio Pereira Nicodemos, Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rey

Psychologist graduated and master from the Federal University of São João Del-Rey (UFSJ).
