The relevance of the ideology category in the perspective of the paradigmatic struggle in Mental Health

mapping new work possibilities

  • José Guilherme Nogueira Passarinho Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"
Keywords: Psychosocial Atention, brazilian psychiatric reform, psychoanalysis, ideology


We intend to discuss the pertinence of the category of ideology in the field of Mental Health and its paradigmatic struggles. Initially postulated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and later enriched by authors related to Psychoanalysis, especially from the field of Freud and Lacan, this category may prove to be a valuable theoretical tool for those who support the Psychosocial Attention, allowing particularly to mediate a critique of the dominant ideology Psychiatric Hospitalocentric and Medicalizer Paradigm. Thus, we will try to outline the general lines of this discussion, pointing some historical aspects of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform; an analysis of the paradigmatic struggles in Mental Health; as well as a contextualization of the category of ideology and a proposal of its use in our field. We aim, therefore, to base new perspectives of work, based on the humanization of the public facilities of Mental Health and the concretization of the assumptions of Psychosocial Attention

Author Biography

José Guilherme Nogueira Passarinho, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"

Graduated and Master student in Psychology from Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho".
