Interview with Pascale MOLINIER

  • Fernanda Banhos Velloso Universidade de Brasília
Keywords: psychodynamics of work, female work


Interview conducted in January 2018 with Pascale Molinier, psychologist and professor of Social Psychology at the Paris 13 Villetaneuse University (Sorbonne Paris Cité). She did her doctoral thesis with Christophe Dejuors, creator (and considered as a father) of the Psychodynamic theory of Work, and has since been part of the research and teaching team at the Conservatoire National des Arts e Métiers, along with Christophe Dejours and other names of reference in the field. Pascale Molinier is the author of several works, including the book The work and the psyche: an introduction to the psychodynamics of work, translated into Portuguese by the publishing company Paralelo 15 in 2013. It acts in the field of the psychodynamics of work, and care. the magazine's director: Cahiers du Genre.

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